What is it?
Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself. [Via: Wikipedia]
via: mrhayata on Flickr
How can a beginner get started and feel the benefit of meditation?
First you have to ask yourself, “Why do I want to meditate?”. This will help you understand where you should take your meditation, and can sometimes help you pick out what types of meditation techniques will be best for you.

Via: Nickolai Kashirin on Flickr
Why Should you Meditate?
There have been thousands of studies that show the immediate positive-effects from meditation. It all is up to you to get out of it what you can. There is no single path for everyone, we must all walk our own journey. For me meditation is a way for me to be closer to my inner-spirit and closer with my higher-power. I can see the positive effects that it has had on my life, along with many of my friends and associates.
Via: on Wonderlane Flickr
Here are 7 Easy Tips for Beginners to Help You Start Meditating…
1. Keep it simple.
You don’t have to get too complicated when you are first starting out.
2. Choose a place that you can be comfortable in.
You don’t have to sit like a yogi guru master. Just make sure that you are comfortable, that includes laying down. *Sleeping is not meditating.
3. Take some deep breathes when you first start.
Center yourself. Drop from your mind, into your heart.
4. Begin to breath calmly, and clear your mind.
Let your mind go blank.
5. Before you start meditating, create intention around your meditation practice.
Why are you meditating? Is it to find inner-peace? Is it to look for answers to a problem that you are having? It is all welcome.
6. You can use a mantra to help you clear your mind and stay present:
7. Allow yourself to go deep into your meditation.
At first it can feel awkward, or a little strange. This is normal when you are first starting out. Continue to push through your unrest, this is where you will find your biggest rewards in your meditation, fight the temptation to allow your ego to stop you from your growth.
Via: Shazamm on Flickr