There isn’t a magic step-by-step manual that is guaranteed to make any relationship last. It takes commitment, trust and most of all, EFFORT from both people involved.
But if you’re a woman wondering about what you can do to keep your man interested in you, here are 9 things to keep in mind. As you read through, you’ll notice a lot of these suggestions require you to work on yourself. They aren’t things like, “buy him beer or make sure to leave the toilet seat up.” These tips revolve around principles and values that will help us become or continue to be the woman that our men love, cherish, and adore.
- Respect your temple. Take care of your health, body and mind by eating right, exercising, and having a continuous drive to learn. Take pride in your appearance by wearing clothes that make you feel and look great. Rock a hairdo that brings out your bone structure and keep those nails looking clean and cute.
- Read books and learn from others on how to keep keep growing as a strong woman. Showing your man that you continue to take care of your body inside and out will keep him interested in you. It should even inspire him to do the same for himself.
- Respect your man. Don’t turn into a crazy unreasonable person. Respect his time, his space, and the way he wants to be treated. Just because you guys are committed doesn’t mean you can act any which way you want. Avoid the selfish behavior that brings out bratty tendencies.
- Keep the sexy going. Men love to be seduced. So from time to time, plan romantic nights that involve sexy lingerie, candles, and oils, anything that will get him going. Men love “a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets”.
Don’t be afraid to do “womanly” things to make him happy. I used to hesitate to cook and clean for my man due to my feminist girl power outlook. But I soon realized that I shouldn’t hold back from doing things that can make him happy for fear of fulfilling gender-based stereotypes. The truth is, men loved to be taken care of in these ways, much like women love to be wined and dined. So if my man can take me out to dinners and trips, I surely can make him dinner and wash dishes.
- Support him and his endeavors. Don’t compete with his job or important responsibilities by making him feel guilty about not spending enough time with you. Instead, support him by asking how you can make things easier for you guys to still spend time together that will work with his busy schedule. This will let him know that you understand his situation and are most concerned about your relationship needs, not what YOU need.
- Do what you say and say what you do. Don’t just talk and then never deliver. If you say you’re going to get to know his friends, create situations that will allow you to do that. This shows that you are a woman of your word and that you respect him enough to follow through on your promise.
- Don’t make him the center of your world. Before you met him, you had other things going on – your family, friends, career, hobbies. Your man should add to your life, not be your life. Giving him too much attention could suffocate and turn him off. No one likes a needy mate.
- Be true to yourself. Don’t let your man get away with things that hurt you and the relationship. Bring that up to him and explain your thoughts and feelings calmly and reasonably. If he is a good man, he will listen and understand. This shows your commitment to be open and honest, as well as your capability to resolve issues in a mature manner.
We hope this brings you closer to your love.
“Live life with joy & passion!”
-7 Days Theory