What The Fuck Does New Age Mean?


 It’s interesting to think of new age when I think of leaning closer to 30 than I ever been before.

I see people and things so differently than I did even when I was 25. My first thought is WTF lol I don’t wanna grow up (ima toys r us kid)  p.s. If you finished that sentence with that song then I know u feel me!  But then I think back and I’m so excited to actually have accomplished a few things. Like school for fuck sake.

I’ve graduated from college but what I’m referring to is the K-12, after about 2nd grade I hated that shit.  Having to get up in the morning, homework, chores, inescapable siblings hell nah! College was its own whirlwind but at least I got some ass :) it kinda made up for some shit ya know.  Like all kinds of shit actually.

I had some of my biggest fuckups and successes seamlessly while in college because the label “student” always gave me something to fall back on, no matter how rough times got.  But this new age like 14-23 age group, they have it all figured out.  All the reservations that held me to do things like sex, drugs, etc in my 20s they have sorted out by puberty if not sooner.  Their online posted pics of weed, videos smoking out of bongs, at festivals doing more than one drug and still getting things done.  They have realized by watching their parents work for a company 25yrs and barely make it by and us graduate from college and not find a job that Uncle Tom ain’t gonna do it for ya.  There not talking about voting in mass numbers (well kony 2012 screwed that up for a lot of folks) they are just living life. 60s style! Ooohhh like revolution.

They don’t fuck wit you! -big Sean lyric.

But the 60s and 70s are gone and the new revolution that needs to take place is not just in the street but on social media via Facebook Instagram tumblr Pinterest Twitter and the like.  The New Age pop art loving fashion design online shoppers are ready but the difference in lasting success is us.  I’m old enough to know better, young enough to not give a fuck -fabulous / young enough to still sell dope but old enough that I knows better -Pusha t. We the in betweeners defined by me as 24-37 still have the remnants of structure to merge the conservative vs the YOLO lifestyle and have a fluent balance.  The thing is it’s not about us teaching the youth like I said they are on there own mission.   It’s about us reconnecting with that side of us.  Our inner teenagers our college wild lifestyle.  Because with that energy we can use the expertise we have gained with time and add the freedom of youth.  It’s so deep it equates to the formula of replacing the wisdom of society.

The baby boomers are connected with the failure of success of corporations. Everything of that time frame is engulfed in what relationship they had with the growth of the corporations that now run the world. Whether they were in the hood selling crack rock or on Wall Street at the biggest investment firm screwing people out of their cash.  Point is there at a loss when it comes to our perspective which is crucial to their own understanding. But we the women who are freaking out cause they fear they are reaching the expiration of their shelf life and we the men who just got old enough to realize how dumb some of that shit was… Are the last hope.  Sounds like a lot of pressure I know lol.  Well because it is but who better than those of us who watched fresh prince and 90210, who can hmm the tune to Dawson’s Creek even if they only watched one show.  I’m speaking from a hip hop descent but it’s not one sided it’s all of us.

We saw the millennium change.  We were conscious enough to realize how special it was and young enough to be born again from it.  We learned enough our parents lessons while understanding how much the introduction of the iPhone has changed the game.  We might still have to read the instructions on the box instead just touching the screen and knowing what to do.  But it’s in that very instant that is somehow being viewed as a glitch that gives us the power to save the universe like Fry on Futurama (jus look it up). We are the new wisdom starting with access to Internet.  We didn’t have to remember everyones cell phone number for long or find definitions in the actual book dictionary.  We came up with the Internet not on the Internet and because of that we have unlimited possibilities of exponential growth like the Internet.  To truly understand everything.  Without the restraint of religion, racism, tribalism we can understand it all through reconnecting our lifelines to the universe simply through working on ourselves.

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