I recently received one of these amazing henley’s in the mail c/o handvaerk
Check out our Interview With The Creator/Owner Here >>> An Exclusive Interview With Fashion Designer & Entrepreneur Esteban Saba // håndværk (handvaerk)
I was blown-away by the details and care that went into every corner of their product. The whole experience felt much like buying an Apple product- taking it home and unraveling this beautiful item that you will now be enjoying. I wanted to give one of you, our awesome 7 Days Theory Audience Members the same experience.
We have partnered with handvaerk to bring you a Sweet Give-Away for one of you willing contestants. We wish you well. Make sure to check out handvaerk’s whole selection of goods, they offer some Amazing pieces to add to any wardrobe.
Here are the rules to enter:
You can participate 2 ways:
1 – Through FB
- You 1st Like us on FB by clicking Here >>> .
- Then, You Must Share it on FB by Clicking the Recommend Button on the left of This Page:
- You Must Write in the Facebook Comment Box below Which Color You Like Best. The White or Black Henley
2- Through Twitter
- You 1st follow us on Twitter by Clicking the Follow Button Here >>>
- You Must Share it on Twitter by Clicking the Tweet Button on the Left of This Page:
+ Mention in the Tweet Which Color You Like Best: White or Black Henley
Each of these options will give you one entry each.
We will reach out to the winner via Facebook & Twitter to Announce Who Won.
For A bonus Entry…
After you have completed the first two ways to enter… You can also Like handvaerk’s Facebook page here >>>
…For One Bonus Entry. =)
Good luck.
We have one of these Henley’s and it as Sweet!!!
Any questions about this contest, you can email hi.com
No purchase necessary.
Pingback: Interview With Designer & Entrepreneur Esteban Saba handvaerk
White one for me please – Entered all plus bonus entry : ) Fingers crossed – thanks for the giveaway!
black- entered all..all….even the bonus entry…all fingers crossed