5 Easy Ways To Be Productive In 2015

5 Ways To Be Productive In 2015

Whether you own your business or work for an employer, many of us are constantly searching for ways to be more productive in our careers. How can I do this task in less time? How can I see more customers in one day? How can I get more things done? All these questions go through our over-achieving work-driven brains – am I right? The tips I’ll be sharing with you aren’t about being organized, making a weekly planner, or coming up with a revolutionary sticky-note system, as I’m sure you’ve come across that many times. My tips on being productive stem from a deeper space – the way we treat ourselves. I believe that to truly be able to give our careers 100% of our efforts day in and day out, we ourselves have to be in tip top shape physically, emotionally, and mentally. Otherwise, we run the risk of burning out. So sit back and relax as I share 5 ways that will help you be more productive in 2015!

1. Get enough sleep!

The reason why I said “enough” instead of a specific amount of hours is because people are different. Some of us can function great with less than 6 hours of sleep while some of us require at least 8  hours to feel alive and rejuvenated. Whatever the amount your body needs, make sure you get it. Why? Because getting a good night’s sleep is actually linked to improved memory, a healthy weight and less stress. The lack of sleep, on the other hand, has been linked to higher rates of obesity, diabetes and even a shrinking brain – not very productive!

2. Eat right!

Eating right in my vocabulary means eating food that is good for you and eating just the right amount of it. To be focused, creative, and hard-working, we’ve got to have the energy to fuel just that. Therefore, it’s so important that we don’t skip meals in the name of getting things done nor should we opt for food that lack the vitamins and nutrients that our bodies and brains need. Plus, a poor diet can lead to heart failure, diabetes, cancer, stomach ulcers, just to name a few! Any of those will seriously affect anyone’s productivity.

3. Exercise!

That’s right, we need physical activity everyday. Why? Because exercise actually optimizes our brain, our mood, and our ability to focus. Exercising consistently also makes us healthier, strengthening our bodies and immune systems to fight off illnesses and diseases – things that definitely will put a damper on productivity.

4. Put yourself first!

To reach your career goals, you’ve got make yourself your priority. I don’t mean become a selfish blob and not care about anyone else. What I mean is be accountable to the goals and deadlines that you’ve set for yourself. Don’t let the demands of your clients or bosses always trump what you’ve already set to do and accomplish for yourself.

5. Have a centering daily routine that you stick to!

It’s so important to give yourself the time to set up your day the right way, which is why I advise for all of you to create a morning routine. Perhaps yours can involve exercise, breakfast, meditation, and reading – notice that these 4 actions addresses the needs of your body, mind, and spirit? Whatever you include in your daily routine, just make sure that it actually helps you get into the zone that you need to be in to become your most productive self.

Remember, to be productive, you must be in a balanced state in all areas of your being. When you’re not, that’s when you feel “out of your element” or “off your game”.



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