7 Simple Tricks To Eating and Living Healthy


There’s a lot of talk out there that makes it seem like eating healthy is a difficult thing to do. I say, nonsense! Aside from the issue of cost (where healthier food tends to cost more than processed fat-ridden food), it isn’t harder to eat an apple than it is to eat a cream cheese danish, am I right? So what’s the real issue? What’s really stopping people from eating healthy? The answer is…..THEMSELVES! As an adult (who makes comfortable living), you are responsible for what you put in your body. So if you choose to eat big macs and chicken nuggets all the live long day, that is the choice YOU are making.


Now the next question is, how do you make better choices. How do you reach for leafy greens instead of processed carbohydrates? By putting your body and mind in a state to win. To do this, you’ve got to prepare!


Chicken kabob

Here are simple preparation tricks to eating healthy:


  1. Learn how to cook! You’ll enjoy cooking with and eating veggies when you know how to manipulate them in the kitchen. Now you’re probably saying, “there’s no one to teach me how to cook.” Well then I say to you, “stop surfing YouTube for videos on cats and start watching quick How-To cooking videos. There’s no excuse in this digital age for not knowing how to cook!
  2. Plan out your grocery list. Make sure you buy food that sustains you and that your list reflects a balanced menu. This means that you should have protein, grains, fruits, veggies, and dairy (if you aren’t lactose intolerant).
  3. Plan out your meals. To avoid succumbing to fast food for dinner because you don’t know what to make, plan out your menu ahead of time. That way, you’re sure to have all the proper ingredients to prepare your healthy and delicious meal.
  4. Prep! To avoid that quick & convenient cheeseburger for lunch, pack your mid-day meal with you! Make a sandwich with turkey, greens, tomatoes, sprouts, avocado, cheese, and OMG, I’m making myself hungry. Or you can bring some of those yummy leftovers from dinner.
  5. Eat breakfast! People who eat breakfast are actually healthier than people who don’t. Why? Because they are less likely to gorge on things that they see in the office, like a donut or danish. So, eat your oatmeal, fruit salad, or one of my daily favorites a fruit smoothie!
  6. Snack like a snack monster! Don’t limit yourself to just 3 meals a day. Your metabolism needs to be constantly working so that you can continue to burn calories. So, make sure you’ve got 2-3 different types of snacks with you to fuel yourself between meals. Almonds & yogurt are great foods that keep you feeling full. You can also opt for fruit or some whole grain snacks like a granola bar or oatmeal.
  7. Drink more water. It is one of the easiest ways to become more healthy, simply drink more water.






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