
We love publishing and we love trying to make style accessible to men.  We spend a lot of time and energy on this publication, and put a lot of effort into making this publication helpful for you very amazing readers.  As a way for us to be compensated for that time and energy we use affiliate programs and take on sponsorships.

Since we want you to know about how all of that works, here are the ways we earn compensation from 7 Days Theory:

Affiliate Links

We primarily use a pay-per-purchase program, which means we receive a small commission every time you click on a shopping link and purchase something.  We choose to use this as my primary program because it compensates us for doing the work of researching shopping options for you. We don’t get paid unless you see something you like and buy it.  That’s a win-win situation in our book!  We view it almost as a virtual stylist. Rather than pay someone to hand select things for you. You can just visit our page: Shop The Style; this gives you all of our newest picks for the day/month/year.

Our affiliate partners include: Levi’s, Revolve Clothing, Neiman Marcus, Need Supply, Urban Outfitters, Karmaloop, Nordstrom, Barneys, SSense, oki-ni, + other fine online retailers and brands.

We also link many products to pages where we do not get compensated anything. We do this because we want to present you (our readers) with the best style and menswear fashion that we can provide.

Our point of view comes from 14+ years within the fashion industry. We travel frequently to NYC, LA, and everywhere in-between to make sure that we keep you updated on menswear fashion from all over the country and the globe.

Sponsors, Reviews, Giveaways, and Featured Items

7 Days Theory is open to collaborating with companies to display banner ads, to review items, to host giveaways, or to feature items received as gifts (indicated by c/o—courtesy of).  We choose to collaborate with companies that we think would be of interest to 7 Days Theory’s readership, and all opinions written about these companies and products are our genuine opinion and are never done at a company’s request.

As the owner of 7 Days Theory I want to thank you for engaging with the site by browsing through the links provided.  It helps compensate us for the time and effort we put into this publication, and we really, really appreciate your support!

– Enrico 

7 Days Theory

To request our media kit or for or any business related inquires – You can contact us at: 

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