Float Tank Love // Why I LOVE TO FLOAT in the Isolation Tank

Float tank.

Isolation chamber.

Sensory deprivation.

You may have heard one of these terms before, or maybe not. If you haven’t, it’s definitely something worth looking into..10849778_715925295171507_4036435838455987781_n

y journey with the float tank began about six years ago when I heard from a friend about this unfamiliar concept of floating in an inclosed tank with 10-12 inches of water filled with almost a thousand pounds of epsom salt. The thought of it gave me a bit of anxiety at that time. I wasn’t ready to venture out into the world of the unknown; in complete darkness and silence, sitting with my own thoughts without any distractions, and reaching higher states of consciousness and/or possible out of body experiences. Fast forward to five years later, and I’m not only floating on a regular basis in my own tank, but I’m introducing other people to this magical space at my new health/detox spa in NYC.

Joe Rogan is a huge advocate of floating and has been a float tank owner for several years now. It’s starting to become more well known- partly in thanks to him- and people are really starting to open up to the concept of it, which I couldn’t be more happy about! It has truly improved the quality of my life beyond what I can express in writing. I sleep better/deeper, think clearer, and feel so refreshed afterwards. Not to mention, it counters the effects of jet lag (which was HUGE when I worked as a private flight attendant), alkalizes the body in a way that the Dead Sea is known to do, lowers cortisol levels (acidic stress hormone), and has helped my back/neck pain tremendously. I am forever grateful for this special healing environment.10175018_10152404362182270_6307331869606733114_n

I could go on and on about how it’s changed my life, but I’ll leave that up to you to experience for yourself!

I highly encourage anyone who is slightly interested in it to give it a try. Be open to possibilities that lie within the stillness.. and don’t wait 5 years like I did if you can help it. :)

Oh and if you’re ever in the New York area, I would love to have you at my spa!

Vibrant Sea 

528 E. 5th St

New York, NY 10009









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