An Interview With Jackie Koch | How She Transformed Her Lifestyle Into a Healthy and Rewarding One

I have known this young-bright woman for almost 15 years. She has always had the energy and positive spirit that made everyone around her happier. Through some twists and turns that life brings, Jackie has taken this bundle of energy and created a lifestyle that is truly amazing!

She helps people for a living, making her another great representative of the 7 Days Theory. We recently spoke with Jackie about her new business and some of the ways she has completely transformed her life and many others. We hope you enjoy!



Please describe your position at your company:

I’m the owner of Love Live Train - a company that helps inspire people to live a new lifestyle. One where they completely love themselves and everyone around them. They live with intention and full of purpose. They train their bodies to be fit and mind to believe anything is possible. Here we offer an online personal training program that incorporates a virtual community (we call it a tribe) where our members receive all the support they need to create real lifestyle changes. We have partnered with Isagenix, a two billion dollar organic wellness company to provide our members with the nutritional supplements they need to combat the toxicity issue we all face. Isagenix makes it easy and convenient for our tribe to stay on track while living their busy lives. We teach them all how to eat REAL food, supplement with key nutrition: cleanse out the bad and put in super foods, workout effectively, build confidence, think positively and help them create an additional income stream if they so choose! Love Live Train has been around for over a year and we are growing massively. Everyone wants to be a part of something and the environment we’re creating is attracting the right people!


How long have you known you wanted to do what you are currently working on?

About 7 years ago I started to make a healthy lifestyle transformation.  I learned how to eat REAL food, LIFT weights, and CHANGE the way I thought.  I learned about clean eating principles and the law of attraction and it completely changed my life.  I competed in a Fitness Competition in 2010 (Fitness America Pageant in Las Vegas).  This forced me to get way out of my comfort zone (getting on stage in a bikini and clear heels is WAY out of my comfort zone) and really get serious about my goals.  I ended going from a size 16 to a size 6 and finally felt what it was like to LIVE healthy.  Throughout this transition I knew I wanted to create a career within wellness, but wasn’t exactly sure how to do it.  Being in Corporate America in Human Resources I was feeling unfulfilled and I felt like a hamster on a wheel.  Just going through the motions to receive a pay check.   A year ago this July I took the biggest risk of my life, quit my job to start working for myself!

Why are you passionate about what you do?

I want my life to matter and to leave a positive impact.  We’re all here to deliver greatness to the world and when you find something you are passionate about you have to do it.  I am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and creating the life I desire.  I spent many years being less than kind to myself which led me to follow a path that I thought I was supposed to do.  College, marriage, corporate job, MBA, and a social life that revolved around happy hour and nachos.  By gaining confidence in myself I realized there as so much more to life than coming home, turning on the TV and watching others live their lives.  I need to share this with everyone around me and everyone I meet.  We are meant to LIVE our lives in happy, active bodies that we take care of.  When we feel good, everything in our lives change.



How did you overcome your own doubts and the doubts of other people?

“It takes constant effort!  This is the most difficult part of stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks.  I’ve always been a very ambitious person so I have that going for me.  Also, when I make up my mind it is ON and no one is stopping me.  I have the most supportive family who knows that quality about me and they never told me quitting my job was a bad idea.  Not once.  I did go through periods when I felt like a fraud or I felt like I wasn’t going to make it. I think it comes down to 3 main things.

1- Read and commit to personal growth.  When I had feelings of doubt I will read.  I remember in December last year I had to cash in my change in order to get gas money to put in my car.  Lets just say I had some serious doubts…. I refused to let myself go to bed until I felt like I was going to be ok.  So I read the Law of Attraction Magazine, over and over and over again.

2 – Hang out with others who have what you want.  Emulate them.  Do what they do.  I am very lucky enough to have amazing and successful people in my life.  I believe you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

3 – Act.  When you have so much anxiety about what is going to happen just act.  Do something.  Don’t worry about HOW you are going to get somewhere.  Focus on the day to day actions you need to take to make it happen.  This involves ACTING when you don’t want to ACT.  When I get stressed all I want to do is sleep. There were a few days when I would just crawl into bed and think “”There is no way I can do this.”“  But I know the key to moving ahead is to act, day in day out.

I also have to give a  couple HUGE shout outs to a few key people who really helped me…

Lori Harder – the personal trainer I initially hired to help me get in shape. I never would have thought she would change my life in so many other ways.  Along the way we became the closest of friends and she provided me with the studio to start training clients (covered MANY costs for me to do this).

The second is to Christy Calbos my Life/Business Coach.  I was blessed to find Christy (Calbos Coaching) a year ago and she is my lifeline.  She believed in me more than anyone.  When I doubted myself or veered off track she helped me get back on the course.  “


What were some bumps you hit to get where you’re at now?

Oh there were MANY… When I decided to change my lifestyle my marriage suffered.  We went in two different directions and it ended in divorce.  As a result of the divorce I ended up declaring bankruptcy and foreclosing on my house.  All of which is a hit to the pride.  I did everything right except marry the wrong person and my whole financial life was wiped out.  When you declare bankruptcy it is very hard to get a credit card or any business loan so I have had to live off cash and create by business simply off the money I’ve earned.  I’ve had to borrow some from family, but not as much as they would have planned on, which helps my pride a little! :)

What is a way you got your name out there?

Social Media, Word of Mouth, and Meeting New People.  When you are happy you attract happy.  I am very authentic and real.  This has helped me tremendously.  I also leveraged my friends and contacts to join my fitness classes and bring their friends! Another important aspect of being an entrepreneur is meeting people.  It doesn’t have to be this hard task – just go through everyday life like you have moved to a new state and are trying to meet people.  Lucky for me I am a social person and LOVE meeting new people. I can talk to anyone at any time.  It works in my favor!

Is there anything that almost stopped you from doing this?


First – I walked away from an incredible company that provided excellent benefits, a great salary, profit sharing, and over $50K of stock options that I was not vested in at all (had I waited another year and a half I would have been totally vested).

Second – At the time that I decided to start my own business I was in the final interview stages or my DREAM HR J.O.B. at a leading healthcare insurance provider here in Minneapolis.  It was a large salary increase.  I knew if I took this job it would just delay the inevitable.  While it would have made recovering from the divorce and bankruptcy easier, I knew that it would just leave me in the same place I was at.  Wanting more in my life and a slave to the corporate cubical.  So I called and cancelled the interview so that I didn’t have to make the decision to turn down an offer.  My friend assisted me in getting the interview, and I did find out after the fact, that I was their final candidate and was going to get an offer – so to say I was sweating bullets once I heard this would be an understatement!

I just reminded myself that I was never going to be a victim to the golden handcuffs again.  “

Is there anyone in your profession that you admire and/or model yourself after?

“I admire my dear friend Lori Harder.  She is so much more than a beautiful face and 6 pack abs.  She has the ability to help people find themselves  She also taught me about abundance.  In fitness too many people only think about themselves.  She believes that there is enough to go around for everyone.  I love this quality and believe the same.  When I start to feel nervous or anxious about others doing what I do or someone enrolling my prospect in Isagenix or another friend starting an online training program, I remind myself that the world is abundant. ”



How do you continue to perfect your craft?

I am a lifelong learner.  I read and I research.  You can never stop growing.  I invest in my own development.  In fact I’m going to Tony Robbins in 3 weeks!!  If you think you know it all you have just put a death sentence on your business.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who wants to pursuit what you are doing?

Success is really simple.  You must have the passion.  The fire in your belly for whatever you want to do.  Then you must do the actions you need to do every day.  It goes back to acting when you don’t want to act.   To build a successful MLM business it is all a numbers game.  You will have to get out of your comfort zone and meet people.  I’d also tell them to dream big.  The universe has no idea if your dream is big or small so aim for the stars. Finally, nothing will ever be perfect – if you wait too long you’ll miss the boat, so ACT!  Collin Powell says it best – Make decisions when you have 80% of the information.  If you wait longer, you will have waited too long.

How do you envision the future of your product/services?

The vision for Love Live Train will be to expand into more areas of personal development in addition to nutrition and fitness.  I see seminars, retreats, weekend events and more!  I also see a book in the making.

You have a nice online website. How much of your business is driven by online buyers?

Technically all of it!  While it all requires some sort of manual entry and personal contact either in person or phone to do the final touches – all transactions go through the online portals!  We have no inventory.  I wanted a career where I could work from anywhere in the world and that’s what I’ve created.  I can run my business with a computer, phone, and internet connection.  The coolest part?  I’m helping others create the same!

Where can people go to find out more about your awesome products/services?

“Visit our website at

Pictures of all the cool stuff I’m up to on Intagram -

Like our FaceBook Page at.”



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