Kanye West is a: Producer, Rapper, Creative Director, Fashion Designer. He definitely doesn’t hold back when it comes to speaking his mind.
Fresh off of the Yeezus album, he continues to speak to the press about his passions and what his goals in the fashion and creative industry are.
Here are his videos speaking with BBC Radio 1′s Zane Lowe
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
I honestly have to say… I am feeling what Kanye West has to say more than ever.
There have been a lot of things I’ve had to deal with in my life, because of how I look and who I am.
What Kanye West stands for, in my eyes, is someone who doesn’t want to allow people to keep restricting the growth of people, particularly of P.O.C. (People of Color)
He, along with Jay Z, remain important figures for the inspiration of the youth. As they continue to grow into their success, they will allow many others to follow in their footsteps to do all of the great things they have been able to accomplish.
I would never pretend these two men are perfect, but let the first man without-sin cast the first stone.
I hope they continue to be blessed with favor, as they blaze the way for other’s, and start to right the wrongs of the American history that we all know so well.
The people who hate on these two individuals, will find their hate-growing more and more, as they will not be the only ones who break these invisible walls and glass ceilings that have been put in place.
Just some of my thoughts.