How Do We Live With Our Natural Surroundings??? A Futuristic Treehouse Designer Explains his Designs.

Antony Gibbon’s work happen to catch my eye one late afternoon, as I said to myself, Wow!! I was blown away with what I was looking at. Tree house designs that were created to fit on a tree without harming it. I have always been a fan of tree houses, since I was little. I remember wishing I could live like the Swiss Family Robinson. Well Antony Gibbon is creating that as we speak. Maybe one day, I will get to live out my dream. For now I am happy to know that people like Antony Gibbons are hard at work to solve this global issue.

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Please describe your position at your organization.

I am a designer specializing in Furniture Design, Interior Design and more recently, creating Architectural structures including tree houses & alternative options for hotel accommodation.

How long have you known you wanted to do what you are currently working on?

Have always worked in design and been interested in the Art & Design area since a very early age.

I got into my more recent area of tree house designs 3 years ago when I was commissioned to design a simple tree house concept which led me to many possibilities of building in the trees canopies.

Roost Treehouse:



Why are you passionate about what you do?

I want to create new ideas for the way we live and interact with our natural surroundings.

What is a way you got your name out there?

Publicity from advertising my work, seeing the response from others was a driving force of moving forward in my career.

Is there anything that almost stopped you from doing this?

Many things along the way but the obstacles strengthened my determination.

Inhabit Tree House: 



Is there anyone in your profession that you admire and/or model yourself after?

I admire many many Designers out there, there is a lot of talent but i try not to model myself after them otherwise my work may start to look too similar. I think its crucial to follow your own style as much as you can.

How do you continue to perfect your craft?

When your trying to create something new all the time, the only thing that perfects the craft is practice and seeing how it responds from others.

Inhabit Tree House: 



What’s some advice you can share for anyone who wants to pursuit what you are doing?

Believe in what you are doing and give it everything you have got! I believe if you are versatile as well this is a great strength. Don’t try to do it all by yourself as well, we all have different strengths and if you join forces with others who can do what you can’t in that discipline then things evolve a lot quicker.

How do you envision the future of your product/services?

I have many ideas which I plan to develop over the coming years and I would like to see my work being developed in many different alternative hotels for people to enjoy and have a great experience in.

The Embryo:



You have a nice online website. How much of your business is driven by online buyers?

At the moment most of my work is from online traffic.

Where can people go to find out more about your awesome products/services?

Below are some examples of Antony’s Work:

Embryo is a cylindrical two story tree dwelling that again utilises the principles of bio mimicry by imitating the organic curves found in nature. The design of the structure gives the illusion that it is almost part of the tree trunk like a Burl. It is clad with cedar shingles to blend the structure in with the surroundings.

The Embryo derives its name from the early stages of development in nature and how we need to re address the way we live in today’s society that is more ecological and a simpler way of living than consuming our earths resources. We are more and more being disconnected from our natural surroundings and the embryo is part of a series of designs to try and reunite and reconnect us back to the elements and how we interact with nature, whilst using materials resourcefully.

The Embryo is attached to the tree using a series of braces that do not interfere with the growth of the tree or cause damage to the bark of the trunk. The entrance is through a hatch door which leads up to the first floor and again up to the second floor via steps that spiral upwards on the internal walls of the cylinder. This allows maximum floor space and makes it capable of sleeping up to 8 people. There are three different designs of windows to the structure which can be custom made to suit each tree house depending on the light levels of the surrounding area.


The Embryo:


The Embryo:



The Embryo:



Roost Treehouse is designed to mimic the organic curvaceous forms found in nature. The aim was to create a tree house that could blend in and almost become part of the tree itself, becoming camouflaged in the surrounding forest. The tree house consists of a series of pod like capsules that are harnessed to the trunk of each tree using a bracing technique that causes no harm or interference with the trees growth. Each capsule has a central spiral staircase leading up to an outdoor platform. This connects to the adjoining pod allowing access into the next structure a well as providing additional support to the overall structures. Only one of the pods has the spiral staircase running to ground level. The interior of each pod sleeps 2 people and the above exterior platform is designed to interact with the forest surroundings providing panoramic views of the trees canopy’s. All the materials used for the construction are from sustainable materials and do not damage the trees in any shape or form.


Roost Treehouse:


Roost Treehouse:


Inhabit Tree House was inspired by geometric Forms. Can be constructed in any environment whether it be in the Forest, Mountains or over rivers & Lakes. The entrance to the structure is from the underneath with a trap door that opens up into the centre of the Interior space. Able to sleep 4-6 people depending on the layout. The outer structure is finished in a cedar cladding that will age with time allowing Inhabit to blend in with the natural surroundings. The large open window to the sides and roof is designed to let as much natural light into the Interior when in densely forested areas as well as to enjoy the views.

Inhabit Tree House:


Inhabit Tree House:



Inhabit Tree House: 


Inhabit Tree House: 


Inhabit Tree House: 


Inhabit Tree House: 



Inhabit Tree House: 



Thanks again to Antony for this interview!

“Live life with passion!”

-7 Days Theory



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