Lori Harder is an inspiration to thousands and thousands of people around the globe. Her story speaks volumes to how you can create the life you desire by changing your attitude, your energy, and how you decide to take action of your own life. I’m thankful to be one of the many people who are inspired by Lori. Find out more about how she transformed her life and how she is helping others do the same.
When did fitness become a central part of your life?
As a kid I struggled with my weight. My entire family was over weight and we weren’t
very active. I was home schooled part of my life so I was never involved in any sports.
I knew at a very young age I wanted more from my life and to feel better! I also knew
that every time I ate junk I felt terrible all day. At the age of 13 I started doing my
older sisters workout videos and started asking my mom to buy me health magazines,
and read them at every chance I had. I knew I had to learn how to get control over my
weight and feelings. This began my lifelong search for fitness knowledge. I joined a
gym at 16 and worked out very often but it wasn’t until I was in my mid 20’s that it
started to click.
How do you stay in shape despite your busy schedule?
For me, no matter how busy I am, not staying on top of my wellness rituals is not an option because I don’t ever want to go back to the days of feeling sorry for myself. I know I am the only one that can make myself happy, and when you don’t feel good or have the energy to accomplish goals or even do the things required in life, you will never be in a place of fulfillment comfort and self love. Exercise and eating right keeps me feeling balanced and sane despite a crazy, busy lifestyle! It truly is the only thing that gives me the energy to keep up with all of it.
Tell us 1 great workout for your abs, arms, and booty?
I am all about saving time so I would say if you can do one thing for this, do a Barbell or DB Squat Press! That is a Squat with an overhead press. It definitely works your core, legs and arms and will get your heart rate up to blast some serious fat. Do that for 20 reps 5X through added to your cardio 3 times a week and you can thank me for the rear view later! jk
You like to take traditional meals and make them healthy. Tell us one of those dishes that is your all-time favorite…
I love to make healthy pizza and pancakes! Can you tell I am a crab-ivore! I truly believe you should still enjoy life and part of that is amazing flavorful food just made healthier. You can get all of my favorite recipes at busy girl.tv. If you can think it, I probably have tried making it healthy.
Describe how you entered the professional world of fitness?
This is a tough one. You don’t really enter the professional world as much as you stumble into it after figuring it out how it works. There is no right way to get in. Everyone has to blaze their own trail, do the work and make the contacts and connections, much like everything else in life! The one thing I will say is that I never gave up. It took me 6 years of being persistent and saying I will create something that can’t ignore. I knew my message needed to be BIG and important in order to be heard so instead of focusing on the frame, I focused on the content.
Where did the idea of Busy Girl come from?
I got the idea from my own life. I knew that if I could be figuring this lifestyle out with my busy schedule that this message needed to get out to all the women I knew. There is definitely not one among us who isn’t busy, but still wants it all, right? The name just fit so perfect and said what I was after.
Talk about 1 of the most memorable moments you’ve had in your career?
I have a few that are so clear and mean so much to me. I would say winning 3 national titles in year was huge, getting my fitness covers and now the successful launch of online coaching has been the most satisfying accomplishment to date. I feel as though everything in my life has only been so that I can help others find their purpose and how to express it to others.
As someone whose business is built on your face & personality, how did you find the courage to put yourself out there, knowing the possibility of criticism, jealousy, and failure?
You have to let go and forgive in every moment. If you want to fulfill your purpose on this planet and what is written on your heart you have to know that you are stepping into a place where you can’t take anything personal. Don’t get too high on the highs or too low on the lows. You can recover form anything when you have God on your side and you have to know you are not in this alone. It’s when you think that you are doing this on your own that things get scary. Have faith and all works for the best. Forgiveness is your greatest tool. The faster I can forgive those that don’t like what I’m saying, the flow and peace I will get blessed with.
What is the mission behind your work?
The only message is LOVE. When you love yourself and others you are free to be you. Being YOU is your only purpose on this planet and by being you we free others to give their gifts to the world. Those gifts are what each of us can learn how to survive and thrive with.
What piece of advice would you give someone looking to start a profession in the fitness world?
Find a need and pour your authentic realness into it. If it is something you want more of or need help with, I assure you everyone else does too. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel but you don’t have to be the best version of you delivering that message even if it’s been delivered before. People will hear it differently through different people. The world needs transparency, especially the fitness world. There is a space for you, you just need time for trial and error. Go where you feel most fear and that is usually right where you will thrive.
Thanks for sharing Lori!!
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