David Allen is one of The Most Respected Organization and Productivity Gurus on the planet. He wrote the best selling book Getting Things Done or GTD, which has been a guide to countless CEOs and people with hectic lives all around the world.
[Tweet “”The mind is for having ideas not holding them” – David Allen”]
Here are 5 awesome principles that David Teaches:
1. Capture
Capture things that are out of control, or not on cruise-control.
2. Clarify
Clarify exactly what it means and why you need to focus on it. What is the next Action Step and Desired Outcome.
3. Organize
Organize the results of those things in appropriate places, you trust, and will engage with and reflect upon on a regular basis.
4. Reflect
Reflect on the things that you need to do and why.
5. Engage
Engage with the things that you have to do, make sure that the things to do are in front of you.
Check out is video to see a little bit of what he does:
“If you know where your going and what you are doing, efficiency and style are your only improvement opportunities.” -David Allen
[Tweet “”efficiency and style are your only improvement opportunities.” -David Allen”]
Now that you are acquainted with David’s work, we highly suggest buying his top-selling book: Getting Things Done or GTD for short.
You can also check out his blog here: http://www.gtdtimes.com/
It will surely help you organize your cluttered life and get you on your path towards you highest level of productivity ever!