The Modern Man Vs. The Modern Woman. 8 Awesome Relationship Tips!


The dynamics between men and women sure have changed in the past 50 years. I’m only speaking on what I hear, read, and see in movies, since I’m barely breaking into my newly found 30’s. At any-rate, I can tell relationships are not what they use to be by the way I see people act in relationships, or almost more importantly, out of relationships.


Let’s be honest the landscape of the relationship between men and women has completely changed. Following the much needed women’s rights movements of the 60’s and 70’s leading up to today, women have gained a much need equal role in the workplace as well as in the home.


What does this mean for relationships?


Ask the marriage counselors and divorce clerks. I say that half joking, with one divorce already tallied on my end. I stand in the center of the whirlwind that is the Modern Man Vs. The Modern Woman. Or is that the right way to put it? Maybe we need to be a little more collaborative? The Modern Man and The Modern Woman, that has a better ring to it.

Look, there are no easy answers in this tabacle.<<

I do know some quick takeaways that I’ve learned in my past relationships, and the things that keep my current relationship strong.


Here are 8 Awesome Relationship Tips for The Modern Man & The Modern Woman.


1. Communication is Key

Making sure you communicate properly is the cornerstone to any great relationship. Ask the hard questions. Talk about the subject that you really feel you are having issues with. If you can’t talk about it, that’s a bad sign. You should be able to speak freely about what your goals are and making sure that you both are in alignment in what you both want, in the present and future.

2. A man wants to feel and act like a man.

This can mean different things to different men. Women, it’s your job to know what that means.

3. A woman wants to feel like a woman.

Even though women have much more spending power, and just more power in general than in the past, women still like to feel like they can be taken care of. (Women, this is up to you to be with a man that can make you feel like this)

4. Do things together that you both enjoy.

This is so important, life is created by the things you do. Relationships are created by the things you do together. You must be able to combine the two symbiotically.

5. Do little things for each other that is thoughtful.

This little tip never goes out of style, no matter how old, how little or big, it’s always the special little things that matter.

6. Don’t tell everybody your relationship’s business.

Yea, your relationship isn’t perfect… News Flash, no ones is perfect. But, don’t go telling everyone your problems. And definitely don’t go on Facebook or Twitter with any of your issues. Seriously, that sh*t is not cool by either party men or women. Work out your issues with each other, if it’s real serious, go get professional counseling. Don’t have your mom giving your loved one the crooked eye for a fight you had last week.

7. If you get angry or upset, try to cool down.

Take a moment to think about the things that are positive about the person you’re with. If you can’t find anything positive, it might be time for a serious change in your life.

8. Don’t take advice from anyone who doesn’t have what you want.

This is SO IMPORTANT! If your friend is single, they might not be the best person to ask for advice on relationships. You wouldn’t ask the barista at Starbucks what you should invest your money in, don’t go asking people for advice- they don’t have the answers to themselves.



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