A Spiritual Journey Begins With One Step. Steps to Finding Inner-Peace


The connection to our higher power is what allows us to deeply connect with ourselves, which then allows us to tap into our highest possibilities.

This connection to our inner-selves and to our higher power, is something that we all must take our own responsibility for.

This connection may look different, or be different than other people’s, this is ok, and is perfectly normal. It is important to connect with yourself and with your higher power in a way that feels real and from the heart.

Try praying for peace. You could pray for: 

Peace in your heart and surrounding the globe.


As I take the time to know myself, to know my purpose, my meaning, and my connection to the world around me, the more I can integrate that energy into everything that I do and create.

Your connection to your inner-self and to your higher power is one that can take time and should be set with positive intentions. It will take your energy and effort, like any journey. And like most journeys, this one is well worth what you put into it.





With love and peace.




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